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Why Trailer Aerodynamic Devices Are No Longer Optional

While aerodynamic trailer devices are not required in all states, as fuel costs fluctuate and the environmental requirements become stricter, they really are no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Overall, the use of semi-truck aerodynamics improves fuel efficiency by reducing drag. Following are key benefits of trailer aerodynamics, and specifically the Stinger System.

Maximize Tractor Trailer Fuel Efficiency

Trailer under body devices help to “shape” and lower the wind drag around the rear tandem axle of the trailer. This in turn improves fuel economy. The result is a savings over time.

Not Just for Fuel Saving, But Also Safety

Unlike other similar products, the Stinger System not only maximizes fuel efficiency, but it also helps with driver safety by way of increased stability, minimizing road mist, and reducing driver fatigue. Drivers will experience improved consistency in varying driving conditions and therefore a better overall fuel economy performance.

Increased Regulations on the Horizon

The industry is seeing an increased use of trailer aerodynamics in-part due to state and federal regulations that have been passed over the past several years. It is likely that requirements for improving fuel efficiency will only continue to expand making aerodynamic devices a must-have product.